Saturday 20 October 2012

Yoga session with the flatties!

So as you all know my my last session of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga was last week..but because I loved it alot I thought why not transfer my knowledge and skills I had developed over the course of four weeks and teach my flatmates. They were constantly asking me what I would do in these classes after explaining to them they sounded intrigued and wanted me to teach them some poses. I thought this was a great idea as I was able to transfer my knowledge on to them. The roles of myself participating in this occupation had changed as I was no longer the participant I had evolved and had taken on the role of becoming the teacher. For this yoga session I set up the lounge of my flat moved all the couches aside to allow room. One thing I realized I didn't have was the yoga mats but I improvised and used cushions as pillows for our heads when lying down. My flatmates only wanted a short session to begin with so I set aside 30 minutes to go through the basic poses.

I began by explaining what my understanding of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga was to them, then I demonstrated the sun salutations poses that consisted of upward dog, downward dog, balances, warrior one and warrior two, the crocodile and the hops between poses and the correct breathing as that is one of the things that I feel I have mastered! Doing the balance poses I still am a little shaky but I feel I have progresses alot since the first session. It felt really good to be passing on my knowledge to my flatmates and sharing my personal experiences from the sessions. All in all they enjoyed the session and I had alot of fun teaching them!!

Sunday 14 October 2012

Last Session

This was the last session of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, which is quite sad! I have thoroughly enjoyed this type of yoga. This session we were based in another room due to another group using the Envision Lounge we normally use. It was quite a disappointing turn out from all the participants for the last session as only four people turned up, but none the less it provided an opportunity for the instructor to spend more one on one time with participants.  The session started by us following the set routine of the sun salutations, then the stretching/balance poses then relaxation at the end. Normally at the beginning of sessions we would automatically begin the poses but this session all the participants were socializing with one another which I thought was rather cool and eased the atmosphere making it more enjoyable. Even though we were in a different room I found the atmosphere for my last session to be really enjoyable due to the fact the environment was peaceful, relaxed and had a nice ambiance as everyone was there for the same purpose of participating in yoga and getting as much out of the class.

Some benefits I have discovered since taking up Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga are that my deep breathing whilst doing the poses has vastly improved, as I have learnt the correct breathing techniques that can be applied to any situation in my daily life for example whether I'm stressed or want to relax all I need to do is focus on the correct breathing! I feel I have become more flexible and have noticed that I am able to hold the poses for longer periods compared to when I first began this class.

It was sad to think this was my last class but I would definitely like to continue with yoga as personally I find it refreshing, relaxing, you learn great breathing techniques and the obvious physical benefits of stretching, toning and increasing strength but there were a lot of mental benefits. I feel I have developed more knowledge around the terminology and poses. I would like to keep applying the poses that I have learnt over the course of weeks and just keep practicing what I have learnt with other OT buddies whom also took the class. I believe at Clubs & Soc's they also have yoga classes one evening per week so I would be keen to head on down to those and continue to work on my yoga skills that I have developed thus far!! All in all I have thoroughly enjoyed this type of yoga and it was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it to others who may not have done yoga before!! :)

Here is an article with some of the benefits of doing yoga..enjoy

Tuesday 9 October 2012

I attended another yoga session on a wet wintry day, quite proud of myself for doing this!. Upon arriving one of the first things I noticed when stepping into the room was a burst of heat on my face, the yoga instructor had cranked up all the heaters in the room. Once we had set up our yoga mats I got talking to some of the other members in my class as I find we don't really get a chance to do this throughout the sessions. It was really cool listening to what these people study and why they have chosen to partake in yoga. I noticed it was a smaller turn out of people this week.

I really like this style of yoga as each session you follow the same sequence so you know what to expect. I find knowing the sequence it allows me to concentrate on my breathing and focus. Whilst doing these poses I found i was sweating alot this was due to the fact that the room temperature was too hot from the heaters, which I therefore found it hard to concentrate and was continuously thirsty!. It could have almost been like bikram yoga in temperatures of 38 took a while for me to adjust to the temperature. Hope next week the room is at a reasonable temperature.

I really enjoy the relaxation poses in the last 15minutes of the session as I find these poses lying down, eyes closed are very therapeutic, relaxing and help me calm and put all my worries aside. When waking up I feel totally relaxed and like a new person! Bring on the last session!!

Sunday 23 September 2012

World Peace Day- Yoga in Octagon

Today was 'World Peace Day' and the Octagon was set up for yoga enthusiasts to participate doing 108 sun salutations. I heard of this in Wednesdays yoga class where my instructor was in-charge of organizing this event and it sounded quite interesting to witness. A few of us agreed to come along so I met Frances, Jess, Caroline and Trish in the octagon- neither of us were not sure what to expect, so it was interesting upon arriving to see crowds of people set up with their yoga mats. On an estimate I would say there were 100 people set up in the Octagon to take part in this yoga event.  Personally I had expected more people to turn up and celebrate this event as it was a lovely sunny day however it wasn't meant to be. The atmosphere of this event was great as it was a good chance for people to come together as a community who share a common interest who are passionate and enthusiastic about yoga as it provides people a meaning, purpose and a sense of achievement. Today's session consisted of completing 108 salutations, the organizers had divided these in to four sets, 27 each set. I decided that I would complete one set of salutations. I found the routine completed was very simple, I had initially thought that for each set they would mix up the routine...but no they had kept the routine the same for all 108! A mistake on my part was wearing jeans as I found it hard to fully bend down due to the restriction of wearing these, so in future I will stick to wearing shorts as they are more comfortable and practical!! A general comment afterwards with the others was that you could feel the change in yourself and you felt so relaxed and refreshed, it was great!

Here are some of the pictures from today's yoga session :)

Prior to beginning salutations and listening to speakers
Beginning the salutations
Coming into a standing pose
The pose 'downward dog'

Saturday 22 September 2012

Session Two

Earlier in the week I completed my second session of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, I found the session went relatively fast compared to the previous week. I think this could be that I knew what each of the poses were the same and that we followed a set routine. I found this to be of benefit for myself as I didn't have to consciously think of how to do the pose therefore allowing me to work on the correct breathing...which I found was a vast improvement from last week and I was able to get a better stretch. We did have a new member to the class who was not there last week, other than that there were the same people. I was initially surprised that the class consists of all females, as for some reason I thought there may have been a few males that would want to take this class, clearly I was wrong! 

I find it good having a small class as you are able to focus more and are not easily distracted as if you were in a larger group. All the people in the class are there with the same focus, purpose and with a common goal in mind. The instructor was very helpful, on a few occasions with some of the stretching and standing poses she would help me to get the correct body position- I found this helped as it gave me something to work towards. Whilst doing these yoga poses I am learning to clear my mind and focus on doing the poses. I find the ambiance and environment is very relaxing and peaceful thus impacts on how I perform the poses and also my mindset. Upon doing yoga it is providing me with a sense of control over my body and mind as I am developing skills that I can apply to any situation for example when I'm stressed and need a way to calm down and relax. Personally I am beginning to find yoga very meaningful and therapeutic as it provides me with a challenge and also a sense of achievement upon completion of poses. Both my mind and body felt totally relaxed by the end of the session...bring on next week!!!

Here is a youtube video of some of the Sun salutation poses


 Here are some of the benefits that doing Ashtanga Vinyasa bring to an individual

First session of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

First session of Ashtanga began on Wed 12 Sept from 5.15-6.45pm. I was really looking forward to it, however a bit apprehensive and nervous about what the style of yoga would be, as I have only done  yoga with my Mum before. I arrived at Clubs and Socs with Frances and Louise who are also taking the same class and went up to the Envision Lounge. We arrived early however come 5.15pm there was still no sign of our instructor...I thought this was a little odd considering it was our first session and you think the instructor would be on time. This was not a good first impression for me, thankfully the instructor turned up some 10minutes late!!. In my class there were 8 other people, and I found the instructor to be really friendly and helpful. We set up our yoga mats and listened to the instructor explain what 'Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga' is and her experience teaching yoga. She explained that Ashtanga is a flow of positions that follow a sequence that each session you repeat over and over. She also talked about the mental side of yoga as you forget about your worries. I liked this as one of the many reasons I chose to do this type of yoga was to help clear my mind and put all my worries aside and focus on the task at hand.

Some of the examples of positions we learnt in the first session was: Downward dog, Updog, Balances, Warrior one and warrior two, the crocodile and the hops between poses.  Personally I really enjoyed learning these poses as they were pretty straight forward but I found they sure did test my flexibility. For all that don't know me I am probably not the most flexible person out there as some of the other people in the class have previously had dance from the word get go that puts me behind! However from this session I am aware of what poses I find a challenge partially the (standing balance) and concentrating on getting the correct pose whilst working on the correct breathing, but least I know what I can improve on in the next few sessions.

At the beginning and end of the session we spent some time 'Omming', to be honest I had no idea why we were doing this and felt a bit uncomfortable. We then finished off the session with 15 minutes of relaxation...during this I almost fell asleep as it was that relaxing!!.